FCC Identifies Mutually Exclusive Groups of Applications from Non-Commercial Filing Window

The FCC opened a filing window for new non-commercial educational FM station November 2 to 9, 2021.  1282 applications were received.  The Media Bureau has now identified 231 groups -- 883 applications, that have technical conflicts between applicants.  Within these groups where more than one applicant has applied for a selected frequency within a specific area, only one applicant can be granted a permit for a new station since the technical proposals overlap in channel use.  Within the public notice, the FCC outlines a period until January 28, 2022 where applicants an enter into voluntary settlements and technical amendments to achieve alternative results for granting one of more applications.  This is achieved via compensating specific applicants for application dismissals, or modifying the signal engineering proposals instead of leaving it to the FCC to chose the group winner.  More information:  Public NoticeMutually Exclusive Groupings.